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Justice League - Film Review

Justice League brings all of our DC heroes to an Avengers style crossover that truly encapsulates what the DC universe is about. Although with JL, it downplays the importance of these characters into a film that feels rather insubstantial and superficial, which makes you leave the cinema with no sense of urgency towards the film.

As shallow as this film is, it seems to portray its villain as an other worldly being who wants take over the world (or something). With a villain this weak, I am baffled that DC hasn't figured out that bigger doesn't always mean better. Steppenwolf, who is essentially a big CGI blob, has no real determination and his actions feel very foggy, and poses as no real threat to the team. As a result of this, the team feels invincible, and there is no emotional depth to what the team is fighting.

The JL itself has some bright spots though, such as Aquaman, who brings something funny but also endearing to this more obscure character. Wonder Woman, who, although, is better in her own film, brings lots of energy and emotion to her. Batman is also very entertaining, and is nothing short of fun. Where the JL falls short though are with it's rushed introductions to its newer characters, such as Flash and Cyborg; with the Flash being very unfunny and tiresome for the runtime and Cyborg being extremely dull and an overall useless member to the team.

Overall, JL brings some amount of Justice to its core, but for most of the film it feels rushed, and also prolonged at the same time. Its a film that ends up feeling very expendable and disposable and doesn't stick with you, in a way that you want to see the film again.

Justice League gets a 39%

Justice League 2017

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