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The Shape of Water - Film Review

'The Shape of Water' is directed by Guillermo Del Toro and stars Sally Hawkins as a janitor at a science facility who is unable to speak. She then learns to communicate with a sea creature, played by Doug Jones who is being tested at the facility, and a romance blossoms between them.

'The Shape of Water' can be described as an adult fairytale between a mythical sea creature and a lady who feels incomplete in her life, and Sally Hawkins is terrific as her. Her performance is silenced throughout the whole film, but she is able to convey so much emotion. You understand exactly what she is feeling, and it's beautiful. There are subtitles used for her character, but they are very limited, and don't oversaturate the silenced magnetic performance by Hawkins.

Technically, this film is fantastic, in every aspect. The cinematography is eyegasmic, as well as the stunning production design and costume design. This films aesthetic is euphoric, and just so exquisite. You really feel like you are in the 60s when this film takes place. Michael Shannon is fantastic here as the villain, as well as Michael Stuhlbarg as a scientist. The standout supporting role is Richard Jenkins. He is truly outstanding here, especially in one scene in a diner.

This film has beautiful french like music, which is very elegant, as well as a wonderful score. The ending was absolutely enchanting, and immensely satisfying. As for negatives, there is a subplot involving Michael Stuhlbarg's character which felt like a bit of a departure from the rest of the film. While it was necessary, it did feel slightly out of place, and is easily my least favourite aspect of this film. Luckily, it isn't very long at all, so it's a very small flaw amongst this dazzling film.

'The Shape of Water' is a charming, beautiful and technically stunning film with fantastic performances rivalled with an excellent unique story, and an aesthetic that is absolutely lovely. It's truly one of 2017's best and one of the best directed films of the year.

'The Shape of Water' gets an 84%

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