Boy Erased - Film Review

‘Boy Erased’ is directed by Joel Edgerton and stars Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe and Joel Edgerton and is the true story of a son of a Baptist Preacher who is forced to participate in a church supported gay conversion program in order to maintain his relationship with his parents. ‘Boy Erased’ is an authentic, shattering, and deep depiction of the horrible gay conversion therapy programs in America. It’s way of going back and fourth from before Jared came out to his parents to him at the program, is entrancing. His past and present flow seamlessly together and meld beautifully into a narrative that fully encapsulates the horrors of these programs. Lucas Hedges’ performance is magnetic. You believe his struggles and inner turmoil boiling within him as he tries to comprehend his sexuality. Nicole Kidman as Jared’s mum was so affectionate and loving. She has the ultimate standing ovation in this film towards the end, and knocked every scene out of the park. Russel Crowe is also just as magnificent for his minimal screen time. You can really see his difficulty in trying to accept his son. Edgerton’s directing and adaption from the book is to be hugely commended. Coming off his incredible thriller ‘The Gift’ in 2015, this completely different film taps into Edgerton’s range and complexity as a filmmaker. It’s truly magnificent what he pulled off here, as you can see the amount of passion and avidity he has put into this film and the message he wishes to evoke. It often feels like you are watching something that is actually happening on screen. Despite how devastating it is, it feels real, and that’s the biggest praise a film can be given. As for flaws, occasionally the editing can understate an emotionally gripping scene. It can sometimes cut too soon before the emotional beat kicks in, but this is occasional, and barely detracts from the beauty of this film. ‘Boy Erased’ is a powerful, authentic and riveting real life story with tangible performances, a haunting narrative and a deep exploration of ones denied sexuality. ‘Boy Erased’ - 84%